If you are lucky enough to live in Ohio or Florida (or have a vehicle that lives there), you have an excellent free service available for automobile titles. Both of these states have implemented a free title check service, allowing you to research a vehicle title.
Why would you want to? For owners, this lets you:
- Examine a title before purchase to verify status, owner, mileage, etc.
- Check to see if a bank has released your lien after you've paid off your loan
- Check a title status before requesting a non-printed title (etitle) be printed.
For lenders, this lets you:
- Verify title status and vehicle details prior to authorizing a loan amount.
- Verify that all existing liens are expected.
- Confirm that your lien has been successfully placed.
- Check that a printed title was issued to you.
Florida's Vehicle Information Check is here: https://www6.hsmv.state.fl.us/rrdmvcheck/mvcheckinq
Ohio's Online Vehicle/Watercraft Title Inquiry is here: https://www.dps.state.oh.us/atps/
DDI's application for lenders - Premier eTitleLien - works with these and other title check sources and integrates with the Electronic Lien process.