Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Record Growth

Our latest press release (highlighting and links mine):

Decision Dynamics, Inc. (DDI) Reports Record Growth in the Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) Marketplace

In the first six months of 2010, Decision Dynamics, Inc. (DDI) experienced record growth in the Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) market with its Premier eTitleLien™ product and services offering in the state of Arizona. DDI successfully added more client accounts in Arizona than any other ELT vendor. DDI's president and CEO, Glenn Thames, said "DDI's success is attributed to having the most cost-effective solution in the market, along with a dedicated staff committed to customer service excellence. Through this attention to customer service, DDI has grown to over 800 client accounts in just a few short years, having never lost a customer to a competitive ELT vendor."

Companies that place liens on vehicle titles in Arizona were required to participate in the state's ELT program beginning May 31, 2010. With DDI's Premier eTitleLien™ product and services, lienholders are able to participate in the ELT program and remain in complete control of their title portfolio. Premier eTitleLien™ is a web-based application that allows lienholders to manage their vehicle titles electronically and provides an electronic ownership record in lieu of a paper title. Premier eTitleLien™ interfaces with a state's motor vehicle titling agency's computer systems to receive electronic titles and transmit lien releases for the lienholder. With Premier eTitleLien™, companies have access to their electronic titles and the tools needed to streamline the titling process.

An electronic titling program benefits motor vehicle agencies, lienholders and vehicle owners. Motor vehicle agencies benefit by providing more timely data exchange, improving data accuracy, and reducing and controlling the use of secure forms. Electronic titling benefits lienholders by reducing mailing costs, reducing physical storage requirements, and deterring the inherent fraud associated with duplicate titles and paper title releases. Vehicle owners benefit by receiving clear titles upon the release of the lien on the electronic title.

"With the Premier eTitleLien™ product and associated services, DDI provides the most cost- effective solution in the market with no start-up costs, no monthly minimums, no per-user charges, and no installation or training charges. In addition, DDI's license agreements are lender-friendly, allowing for an opt-out without penalties. DDI is dedicated to continuing to provide the ELT solution of choice for lenders. We are continuing to expand our client base among the existing ELT states and look forward to providing services in the newest ELT state, Nebraska, later this fall," said Thames. DDI is a software technology company that provides electronic titling services for lienholders in the United States.

For more information on electronic titling, visit

For this Press Release in printable form and other news, please visit

Image from Wikipedia: "Cutaway of a nautilus shell showing the chambers arranged in an approximately logarithmic spiral"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nebraska Application to ELT Available

Nebraska automobile dealers and financial institutions can now sign up for Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) services with Decision Dynamics, Inc. The application form (Application for Enrollment / Change in Electronic Lien and Title System) is available on our website with instructions on how to complete it.

As of January 1, 2011, the NE DMV will no longer print paper titles with liens due to recent legislation directing the DMV to implement ELT. Lienholders need to enroll in the ELT program in order to receive electronic titles.

DDI will be working with the the Nebraska DMV as they implement the program. We'll begin receiving electronic titles for our customers in October, depending on how the pilot program proceeds. DMV expects the program to be out of testing in November.

Image from Visit Nebraska

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Filing for a Lien in Georgia from Out of State

We recently had a question from one of our customers wishing to file a lien in Georgia.

We had our rep try and walk the MV1 form and title through the local DMV but they required a copy of the customer’s driver’s license, a note from us on company letterhead & notarized, the power of attorney in his name, and another form - it was a mess. So we decided to just mail it in. The local DMV said that we need to mail a copy of the customer’s driver’s license along with the MV1 Form, Title and $18 fee. I was surprised that we need to mail a copy of the customer’s driver’s license - we hadn’t heard of that until today. Just checking.

Our answer:

  1. A copy of the owner’s DL is not required when you mail in an MV-1 unless the owner is not a GA resident and does not have a valid GA issued ID or DL.
  2. They will accept out-of-state checks when you mail in your MV-1.
  3. When the owner has to get a duplicate, the only required field on the MV-1 is the VIN. They must present a valid ID when requesting the duplicate.

As part of being the *definitive* ELT provider [definitive: authoritative and complete :-) ], we build good relationships with each state DMV to be able to get clarifications to questions like these. (More information about the ELT program in Georgia)

Image from Georgia Animal Rescue and Defense, where they also take applications from "Out of State"

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

DDI Receives Approval to Sign Up Lenders in Washington State

We received official approval to begin signing up lenders in Washington State! We're looking forward to offering ELT services for our customers in Washington and other states. We're looking forward to helping other local lenders in Washington in addition to providing a single portal for title management for lenders across the nation.

For more information on the Washington ELT program, contact DDI at (Washington does not provide online information about their program.)

To sign up for the ELT program, visit our site at

Image entitled "The Washington State Seal" from the Washington State Coloring Book

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mandatory ELT: The New Trend

Here at Decision Dynamics' headquarters, we've been noticing a trend in electronic lien and title (ELT) programs. Not only are more states developing or revamping their programs, but the number of states requiring participation is on the rise.
  • Pennsylvania: July 2008
  • Louisiana: January 2010 (grace period ended June 30, 2010)
  • Arizona: May 31 2010
  • Nebraska: January 2011 (participation not mandatory, but no titles with liens will be printed)
  • California: January 2012
In addition, both South Carolina and Massachusetts had mandatory-ELT legislation introduced in 2009-2010 that has not yet passed.

In April, Automotive news published a story by Jim Henry on this issue headlined "E-titles and e-liens slowly e-liminating paper docs". I'm quoted:
Not only is it more convenient, but also in past, electronic made everybody nervous. "If I've got it on paper it's real." But the way we store data now there's an electronic trail and it's more reliable than paper titles.

The mandatory participation requirement for ELT is also forcing lenders from across the nation to participate. With more states poised to require participation, this trend will continue to gain momentum. And that's good.

Image entitled "Never Easy Going Up" by Lachlan McDonald

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Changes to the Repossession Process in Florida

To: Florida ELT Participants

Please read about these important changes to the repossession process in Florida. To assist ELT participants in complying, the FL DHSMV has asked us to solicit feedback concerning the possibility of enhancing the ELT system to process repossession applications and fees. Let me know if you are interested in being able to process repossession applications electronically. DDI is committed to providing all the electronic features the states make available to streamline all aspects of your title processing and is eager to provide these services in Premier eTitleLien™.

Ann Gunning
Chief Information Officer
Decision Dynamics, Inc.



HB 971 passed during the 2010 session and is effective July 1, 2010. It amends the Florida Statutes by providing that any lienholder who has repossessed a motor vehicle in Florida in compliance with the provisions of section 319.28, Florida Statutes must apply to a Tax Collector’s office in Florida or to the department for a certificate of repossession or for a certificate of title pursuant to section 319.323, Florida Statutes. Any person found guilty of violating any requirements of the law shall be guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in section 775.082, section 775.083 or section 775.084, Florida Statutes. The department requests your assistance by notifying the lienholders under contract with you of this law change and its ramifications. Please send them the attached Memo from Director Ford and HB 971.

Pursuant to section four of the Electronic Lien and Title Program Memorandum of Understanding between Third Party Providers, Business Partners and the Department, these agreements are subject to any restrictions, limitations or conditions enacted by the Florida Legislature. If you have any questions, please contact the Bureau of Titles and Registrations at 850-617-3001.

Gary Elmore
Motorist Services, Strategic Support Services
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Director Ford Memo
HB 971

Friday, July 2, 2010

Nebraska Electronic Liens and Titles Q&A Updated

The Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles updated their Electronic Lien and Title Questions/Answers document last week. Most significantly, they reaffirmed the timetable for implementing the ELT program:
  • Pilot with 1 service provider - September (4 to 6 weeks);
  • Participation open to all service providers - Mid-October;
  • Full Implementation of all Service Providers - November;
  • Mandated Date for ELT availability - January 1st.

Decision Dynamics is of course ready to go whenever the state is. (We've been pretty impressed by the state's program - more on the specifics later.)

To read the Q&A for yourself: Electronic Lien and Title Questions/Answers on the Nebraska site
and our mirror.