Wednesday, July 31, 2013

North Carolina ELT Bill Signed

July 23, 2013 - Raleigh, NC

North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed legislation requiring the NC Department of Transportation Division of Motor Vehicles to implement an "electronic lien system to process the notification and release of security interests and certificate of title data."  The bill includes a deadline that the new Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) system be implemented by July 1, 2014.

The bill clarifies the legal status of an electronic title for odometer disclosure compliance as well as any legal evidence for the existence of a lien.  It also grants the DMV options for developing or contracting the new system.  The DMV is required to report progress to the legislative oversight committee by October 1, 2013.

Participation in the program will be mandatory beginning July 1, 2015.  All individuals and lenders who normally finance motor vehicles will be required to participate in the NC ELT program.  The only exception is for those who perform less than five transactions each year.

DDI will post updates to our North Carolina Electronic Lien and Title site at

Monday, July 29, 2013

Colorado Legislation Enables ELT

On June 5, 2013 Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed HB 1289 into law, giving the Colorado Department of Revenue authority to "allow the electronic transmission of registration, lien, and titling information for motor vehicles." Other changes were made to existing regulations to ensure that the Division of Motor Vehicles would be able to adopt procedures to handle electronic lien and title (ELT) and electronic vehicle registion (EVR) transactions.

The bill also grants authority to the DOR to mandate participation in the ELT program for lenders doing 50 transactions or more per year. Interestingly, the bill specifically words it as "requiring lien and title documents to be filed electronicaly" allowing both typical Electronic Lien and Title transactions as well as title applications (lien notations) to be required as a paperless transaction. The DOR is not compelled to require participation.

For updates on the Colorado ELT program, visit

Image above is Interstate 70, Glenwood Springs, CO from The world’s most spectacular roads, vol. 2.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Texas ELT Deadlines for 2013

The next deadline to apply to participate in the Texas ELT program is one week away. Lenders need to complete the State of Texas DMV Electronic Lien and Title Program Service Level Agreement available from our website at

The Texas DMV only enrolls lenders once a quarter. To begin participating in September 2013, the SLA must be submitted by Thursday, August 1, 2013.

The last deadline to begin participating in 2013 is November 1, 2013. Lenders who submit applications by that date will become active in the program on November 30, 2013.

Image above is of the Texas Star from the Texas House of Representatives site.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Nevada Legislation Requires ELT

June 11, 2013 - Carson City, Nevada

Governor Brian Sandoval approved Assembly Bill 309 directing the Nevada DMV to "establish, implement and operate, in lieu of the issuance and maintenance of paper documents otherwise required by this chapter, an electronic lien system to process the notification and release of security interests through electronic batch file transfers". This will mean the creation of an Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) system for Nevada.

The bill also requires almost all lienholders to participate in the ELT program.
Except for persons who are not normally engaged in the business or practice of financing vehicles, all lienholders are required to participate in the electronic lien system.
This does not provide exceptions for out of state lenders or lenders who only process a small number of loans. The DMV is not granted authority in the bill to extend exceptions to lenders.  The bill does provide for a staggered implementation of the requirement, with lienholders who execute "26 or fewer liens in a calendar year" exempt from the mandatory participation requirement until 24 months after the ELT system is implemented.

The bill requires the DMV to "submit a report on or before February 1, 2015, to the 78th Session of the Legislature concerning the implementation of the electronic lien system." This allows Nevada time to assess their systems and develop a plan.

For details on the Nevada ELT program (as they become available), please visit

Image above is Boulder City Nevada - old cars fascinate me by Laura Grace Bordeaux.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Indiana ELT target: June 2014

The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles is continuing to progress in their plans for an Electronic Lien and Title program for Indiana. DDI participated in a recent call with BMV representatives during which they provided a brief update on their plans for ELT.

Initial specifications are scheduled for distribution this fall (2013), with the program beginning to pilot in June 2014.  The pilot phase is expected to take 1 to 2 months, allowing additional lenders to enroll in the fall of 2014.

The BMV is working to make the new Indiana ELT program compatible with all title and registration processes, including the existing Electronic Vehicle Registration system.  They are also working to consolidate lienholder records to make the transition to electronic liens simpler for lenders.

There are no plans at this time to make the program mandatory.  The BMV is not opposed to requiring participation, but will wait for enacted legislation to do so.

Image above is a 1985 Indiana license plate "Wander" for sale by Deer Run Mercantile: "Vintage License Plates from the 50 States".

Friday, July 19, 2013

What is ELT?

An ELT program (Electronic Liens and Titles) allows messages related to titles with liens to be exchanged electronically, reducing filing and mailing costs. For instance, instead of mailing a paper title to a lender with lien information, the state sends an electronic message - the electronic title or ELT - with the vehicle, title, owner, and lien information. Once a loan is repaid, the lender sends an electronic message to the state indicating they are releasing the lien.

There is an immediate appeal to a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), who no longer have to print and mail as many paper titles.  Handling the current "status" of a title also becomes easier, since there are fewer pieces of paper that now must be considered obsolete.

Both large and small lenders benefit from reduced filing and handling of titles. Receiving an electronic title from a DMV allows lenders to compare the title data with their lien application to ensure accuracy.

Perfected titles arrive much quicker and mailing clean titles to customers after a lien is released is handled by most DMVs automatically.

Currently, DDI works with 18 state ELT programs: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. We are also actively working with a number of other states who will begin offering ELT in 2013 and 2014.

Each state implements their ELT program differently depending on state laws. Several states, including FL, OH, and VA no longer automatically print paper titles for vehicle owners, preferring to leave titles in "electronic" format until a paper title is needed.

Updated from our inaugural blog post What is ELT?

Image above is Electronic Superhighway: Continental U.S. by Nam June Paik.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Maryland implementing ELT program

On April 3, 2013 the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to "to facilitate the exchange of lien information between the MVA and lien holders while reducing the cost to the MVA."  This was the first step toward developing an ELT program for the state.

The Electronic Lien Services (ELS) program, as it is being called in Maryland, is scheduled for September 1, 2013.  DDI's expectation is that this would be the point at which we begin interfacing with Maryland MVA and that lenders would be able to enroll in the program later in 2013 or early 2014.

The Maryland ELS program specifications are not yet published, but it looks like this will be a full-featured Electronic Lien and Title program, including lien notifications, releases, title correction notices, etc. There is also some indication that an electronic vehicle record inquiry (title inquiry) may be part of the ELT program. Maryland does not plan to require participation in ELS at this time.

For more information, visit our Maryland ELT site. As soon as it is available, we'll post enrollment information for lenders on

Image above is Route 70 at Turf Valley Road in Maryland by Maryland Motorcyclist Best Roads.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Pennsylvania Mulls Eliminating Registration Stickers

A recent article on CBS Philly entitled "Pennsylvania Mulls Eliminating Registration Stickers" adds an interesting perspective to the trend to make vehicle documentation services (titles and registration) electronic.

PennDOT is working with the state legislature and law enforcement to eliminate the need for physical registration stickers on PA license plates. This would cut down on mailing and printing costs for the state. The last line of the article makes the key point:
[Pennsylvania Transportation Secretary Barry Schoch] says if PennDOT doesn't have to mail out stickers, motorists would be able to renew registrations entirely online.
Electronic services such as Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) programs and online (paperless) vehicle registration improve efficiencies for the state, lenders, dealers, and vehicle owners. For more details on Pennsylvania's ELT program, visit

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Iowa ELT program progress

Iowa began testing their new ELT (Electronic Lien and Title) system in June 2013 with a single pilot lender. The pilot phase has not yet concluded but is progressing well, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation. DDI is ready whenever the pilot phase is opened to additional participants.

Some details about the program:

Who is affected by the ELT process?
"The ELT process implements a new avenue of communication between the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), participating lenders, Iowa’s 99 county treasurers and vehicle owners. Vehicle owners should expect the same high standard of service from this process."

Why is ELT being implemented?
"Iowa Senate File 2273, 83rd General Assembly, approved on April 7, 2010 established a study committee regarding the implementation of electronic registration and titling of vehicles. This committee published the results of their findings on December 1, 2010, and recommended a phased approach to implementation of electronic transactions for titling and registration. Phase one consists of facilitating electronic communication between the DOT and lenders for lien notations and releases. The Iowa ELT program is anticipated to result in faster notification of lien notations and releases, reduce fraud, reduce costs for mailing of paper titles, improve data accuracy, and reduce administrative burdens for all."

Who is required to participate?
Participation in the program is optional, though encouraged.

When will the program be opened to lenders?
DDI will include Iowa ELTs in Premier eTitleLien™ as soon as we are allowed to do so. At this point, the state is estimating that the earliest possible date would be October 2013. DDI is expecting general enrollment to begin in January 2014.

Are there any costs from IA DOT for enrolling or participating in ELT?
Iowa charges no fee associated with signing up for ELT, and no additional fees for receiving an ELT instead of paper title or releasing a lien interest through the ELT system. Standard title application fees charged by the county treasurer's office will still apply.

How do I request a motor vehicle record?
Currently requests for vehicle title record information can be made in writing only. Requirements and Fees are on the IA DOT website.

For more information, visit our Iowa ELT site. As soon as it is available, we'll post enrollment information for lenders on

Quotes above are taken from the Iowa ELT Implementation Guide, which is still preliminary as of this writing.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Texas ELT Stakeholders Meeting

On July 8 we were privileged to participate in an ELT Stakeholders Meeting about proposed changes desired by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles to the ELT program. We represented our customers and were joined by other ELT service providers, the Texas Bankers Association, the Texas Automobile Dealers Association and Texas Independent Automobile Dealers Association, and the Texas Credit Union Associates (part of Cornerstone Credit Union League).

The focus of the event was to present their overall goal of keeping titles electronic. Currently, the TX DMV supports electronic titles both through the ELT (Electronic Liens and Titles) program and titles for vehicles without liens. The DMV would like to further promote electronic titles and wanted to hear concerns from stakeholders.
  • What business situations still require a paper title?
  • What incentives can be provided to encourage titles to remain electronic? The DMV is considering imposing a fee for paper titles or requiring participation in the ELT program.
  • What other issues need to be addressed to make an all electronic title system successful?
The DMV's goals for electronic titles were generally well received. We appreciated the involvement of representatives from lenders and dealers at this stage of their planning and look forward to working further with Texas and serving our customers with Texas titles.

Image above is The Road to Sundown by Lindy C Severns from the blog Wanderings of An Artist In Far West Texas.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

DDI Grows Into New Office Space

As DDI reaches its 2,500 customer, it is packing up and moving into a newly renovated, state-of-the-art building for electronic titling services at 1324 North Lake Drive in Lexington, S.C. on June 24.

Customers, what does this move mean for you?
  • Continued data security: firewalls, fire-proof vaults, and a fire-suppression system will keep your paper and electronic documents secure.
  • Seamless customer support transition: even though we are moving our location, your customer service will continue. Contact information and email addresses will remain the same.
  • Additional space: when you visit us, you’ll discover larger meeting and conference rooms to suit your needs.
As a valued customer, you are our highest priority. If you have questions about the move, your data, or communication, please contact us at 803-808-0117.